Engineering for Kids (Grades K-5)

  S1813whb (Wreck-It Week)
  Waukee Academy - Summer 2018
  6/11/2018 - 6/14/2018
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  Walnut Hills Elementary:Room 109
  Engineering for Kids Staff

Registration is now closed


Located at Walnut Hills Elementary Room 109 Wreck-it Week Campers will compete against one another in various engineering-related challenges, such as building bridges, constructing safety mechanisms against impact, and more!


Engineering for Kids provides STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education to students through a variety of hands-on learning experiences. Students build problem solving skills, discover how things work, explore engineering as a career option, learn math and science while having fun, and engage in real world engineering problems. Campers registered for both camps are OK to bring a lunch and stay between camps. Individual activities will go home with the campers. For students entering grades K-5.
Instructor: Engineering for Kids staff