Engineering for Kids (Grades K-5)

  S1813wha (Amazing Race)
  Waukee Academy - Summer 2018
  6/11/2018 - 6/14/2018
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Walnut Hills Elementary:Room 109
  Engineering for Kids Staff

Registration is now closed


Corrected location is at Walnut Hills Elementary Room 109 NOT 122. Amazing Race Campers work together to see who is able to travel around the world by designing their own boats, planes, and even rockets!


Engineering for Kids provides STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education to students through a variety of hands-on learning experiences. Students build problem solving skills, discover how things work, explore engineering as a career option, learn math and science while having fun, and engage in real world engineering problems. Campers registered for both camps are OK to bring a lunch and stay between camps. Individual activities will go home with the campers. For students entering grades K-5.
Instructor: Engineering for Kids staff