Summer Sisters (Grades 6-8)

  Waukee Academy - Summer 2016
  6/14/2016 - 6/23/2016
  Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Waukee Middle School:
  Jennifer Neal

Registration is now closed


June 14-16 and June 21-23 Room #305


Being a middle school girl is exciting, yet challenging! Come join us for a middle school girls retreat where we learn strategies for a healthy life. We will learn to take care of our mind, body, and spirit. We will conduct team-building activities, learn about exercise and nutrition, and discuss methods for handling change and adversity. Our goal is to help girls with self-confidence, problem solving, and how to focus on happiness in their daily lives.

The class will be led by Kacie Whipps and Jennifer Neal. Kacie Whipps is a P.E. teacher and Cross Country Coach who specializes in health, nutrition, and exercise. Jennifer Neal is a school counselor, and former kindergarten teacher.