Start Smart with Study Skills (Grades 5-8)

  1/22/2024 - 1/26/2024
  Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr
  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  South Middle School:Room 305
  Sylvan Learning Staff

Sorry this class has been cancelled


Monday-Friday, 6:00-8:00pm

January 22-26

South Middle School, Room 305



Get ready to start the school year off right! The biggest hurdle to academic success after elementary school seems to be poor study skills. During these sessions, your child will be introduced to excellent strategies! Topics include: organization and time management (Jan. 22 or April 8); note-taking strategies (Jan 23 or April 9); test-taking strategies (Jan 24 or April 10); reading and study strategies (Jan 25 or April 11); learning styles and study habits (Jan 26 or April 12). Set your child up for success in middle school and high school! *Register for the entire week ($145) or individual days ($34 each).