NW Wolves Future Track Champions (Boys & Girls)

  2019 Waukee Future Track Champions
  6/10/2019 - 6/13/2019
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  8:15 AM - 11:00 AM
  Waukee Stadium:

Registration is now closed


8:15-9:15AM- Grades K-2 10:00-11:00AM - Grades 3-5


The head coaches from the Boys and Girls Cross Country and Track and Field Programs are conducting a camp for elementary students. We will have different training groups on the first three days of camp, and on Thursday all campers will compete in an actual track meet. A camp t-shirt and track medal are included in the price of registration. Popsicles will be given at the conclusion of camp each day.  

Any questions, email Coach Brent Heitland, bheitland@waukeeschools.org.

*Please register your child for the grade they will FINISH in May 2024.