Waukee NW Wolves Youth Volleyball (Grades 6-8)

  2022 NW Wolves Volleyball Camp (5-8)
  6/20/2022 - 6/23/2022
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  Prairieview School:Gym

Registration is now closed


Entering 5th & 6th grade: Camp runs 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Entering 7th & 8th grade: Camp runs 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Campers will learn and develop the fundamental skills of volleyball, with daily games and competitions.

Registration fee includes a camp t-shirt. Register by 5/15 to guarantee a shirt.

**Register for the student's current grade**

Contact Coach Jodi Vogt   jvogt@waukeeschools.org